Saturday, February 14, 2009


Back in the late 50’s, world political situation was really unstable. It was the time of Cold War period right after the World War 2 finished about 10 years ago. After couples of year the entire world saw a massive clash between world super power during World War 1 and 2, anyone believe that war is not the solution to solve any problems. So young generation bravely and freely to voice out their opinion about anti-war and the usage of nuclear. They do not want to see any wars anymore.
In conjunction of it, youngster’s counter-culture emerged to represent all of their voices. The counter-culture such as Punk, Mods, Hippies and Rocker lead the way. They used music as the medium to scream out their feelings and fashion to depict the reality happened all around them. These counter-culture always being misunderstood by anyone especially the authorities because of their bad attitude and harsh-criticized towards the weak of government to fix internal and external issues. The youngsters did it via music and fashion. The authority claimed them as troublesome.
Previous youth subcultures in term of fashion influenced various aspects of the Punk subculture. The Punk movement rejected the remnants of the Hippies counter-culture of the 60’s while at the same time preserving its distaste for the mainstream. Punk fashion rejected the bright colours, loose clothes, and unkempt appearances of Hippies fashion. The jeans, T-shirts, chains, accessories, eyed-charcoal, ear piercing, leather boots and leather jackets common in Punk fashion and it can be traced back to the Bikers gang and Rockers of earlier decades. The all-black attire and moral laxity of some Beatniks influenced the punk movement. Beatniks mean anti-materialistic lifestyle. Other subcultures that influenced the punk subculture, in terms of fashion, music attitude or other factors include Mods and Glam Rockers. It all was happened back in the late 60’s.

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